With winter on it’s way out many people are starting to plan vacations to warmer destinations, but how do we make sure we don’t have to deal with the dreaded vacation weight gain?  It’s funny, most people work so hard in the gym and eat so healthy prior to a vacation to ensure they look amazing on the beach; however, the second they arrive at their destination (or even on the way there) they forget all healthy habits and eat and drink their way to unwanted holiday weight gain.  What about healthy balance? What if I told you that vacation can still be enjoyed without coming home up a few pounds?

It Is Possible!!!

Vacation is often used as a green light to take a break from exercise and indulge in many of the foods you don’t eat on a regular basis; however, this can often lead to gaining regretted pounds and make it much harder to get back to “reality” once you return home.  I am a firm believer of “work hard play hard”; therefore, it is important to make sure you really enjoy vacation and all it has to offer, but the “work hard” principle should still be apparent even while on holiday.

Making a few healthier choices while out of town can help in avoiding vacation weight gain and also help keep you energized and feeling better while out of town.  This could mean packing healthy snacks from home for the trip to avoid expensive and unhealthy airport or fast food options or hitting a grocery store when you get to your destination to pack your hotel room with healthy snacks (fruit, granola bars, nuts, bottled water etc.)

An even better way to explore a new city and keep your energy levels high is go for a long walk, run, or get in a quick morning workout at the hotel before heading out for the day (in the hotel room or hotel gym).

The last time I was in Los Angeles, it was supposed to be a relaxing trip for myself and my husband; however, we still made sure to head out for a nice morning hike to the infmaous Runyon Canyon.  It only took about 2 hours of our day and the fresh air and amazing views sure got us energized to take on the rest of the day.  Our Air BnB condo had an amazing gym on the rooftop with views of the Hollywood sign, so the last morning we were there I had to head up there for a quick weight training session to take in the amazing views.  We still splurged a lot on our eating in order to really enjoy all that hollywood had to offer; however, made sure to do lot’s of walking, kept healthy snacks in our condo, and ate healthy breakfast each morning to start the day off right.  It’s all about healthy balance in order to avoid vacation weight gain, because trust me it is possible!


vacation weight gain


Check me out taking in the amazing views on top of Runyon Canyon.  

If you ever go to Los Angeles, this hike is a must!


Below Are 5 Tips to Avoid Vacation Weight Gain While on Vacation


1.  Research-Do some research before hand and find out if the hotel you are staying at has a gym, pool, or nearby health club that you can access with ease.  If the hotel has a gym, find out what kind of equipment is available or if they offer any group exercise classes that would interest you.  If you don’t want to be trapped in a gym while on vacation try going for a nice run on the beach before sunset or hop in the pool and swim some laps with intervals of relaxing on the side catching some rays.


2.  Pack the Gym with you-if you don’t already have them, purchase some resistance bands before your vacation.  They are lightweight, easy to pack, and versatile enough that between them, your own body weight, and pieces hotel room furniture you can get a quick whole body work out done in the room.  TRX Suspension Trainer’s are also a great piece of equipment to travel with or even better make your body your equipment!  Check out this awesome body weight workout.


3.  Stay Hydrated-Water is essential to keep you feeling full, remain hydrated, and help replenish fluids lost through sweating in the hot sun.  Many people tend to indulge in more alcoholic or caffeinated beverages while on vacation; therefore, it is even more important to be conscious of your water intake because these drinks can be very dehydrating, especially in warmer climates.


4.  Walk Walk Walk-If you are not able to get in your regular cardio workouts while on vacation, make a valid attempt to try and walk more during your daily activities.  Take the stairs or opt out of the cab or free-shuttle for a nice scenic walk to your destinations.  Try wearing a pedometer and track your steps for the day, 10,000 steps normally burns an extra 400 calories!  Side Note:  If you plan to walk, make sure you take comfortable shoes with you on your trip (I speak from experience LOL!).


5.  Splurge in Moderation-Although it is important to really enjoy good food and drinks while on vacation, this does not mean you need to eat and drink “bad for you” items every hour of every day you are gone.  Try and pick your splurges, if you are going to have dessert, try to have a salad as an appetizer instead of the alternate deep fried option.  Start the day off with a nutritious breakfast and pack healthier snacks to take with you for the day to avoid having to stop for unhealthier options, which can quickly result in vacation weight gain.


Check out this great vacation workout that can be done in your hotel room, next to the pool, or on the beach to stay active and burn off a little bit of yesterday’s “fun”.


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How do you stay active on vacation??? 

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