
3 Workout Ideas for Moms With Babies

3 Workout Ideas for Moms With Babies

Being a new mom myself, I can completely understand how a day can just pass you by before you even realize it.  Over the years I have trained many mothers through their pregnancy and postpartum journeys and I can now completely empathize with them when they said they just don’t have time to workout.  By empathize, I mean I get…

5 Tips To Avoid Vacation Weight Gain

5 Tips To Avoid Vacation Weight Gain

With winter on it’s way out many people are starting to plan vacations to warmer destinations, but how do we make sure we don’t have to deal with the dreaded vacation weight gain?  It’s funny, most people work so hard in the gym and eat so healthy prior to a vacation to ensure they look amazing on the beach; however,…