Whether you are a health nut or not, we all love a good tasty desert once and a while right?? Even better is to enjoy a tasty desert that is actually good for you and GUILT-FREE!

Avocado Pudding You Say??

Yes, this chocolate peanut butter avocado pudding recipe is creamy and thick, but is also nutritionally dense so that you are actually doing your body a favour by eating it!
Here are some reasons why this avocado pudding is actually good for you:
Avocados are rich in healthy fats, folate, fibre, and are very heart healthy
Bananas have Vitamin B6, potassium, fibre, and adds sweetness
Chocolate is not only the best part, but it provides antioxidants and magnesium
Peanut butter adds protein and more healthy fats

NOTE: Remember healthy fats are good for you and not to be avoided! Don’t be confused or scared of the word “fat”, as healthy fats are a very important part of a well rounded daily diet. They provide the body with energy and help burn body fat!

Enough Small Talk……
Now Let’s Get to This Tasty Recipe!

Chocolate Peanut Butter Avocado Pudding Recipe
Recipe Serves 6
1 1/2 ripe avocados
1 large ripe banana
1/3 cup unsweetened cocoa powder
1/2 cup natural peanut butter (or nut butter of choice)
1/2 cup sweetener of choice (maple syrup, agave, honey etc.)
1/4 cup unsweetened almond milk

Add all ingredients into a food processor and blend until creamy and smooth.  If needed, add more milk as needed to achieve a smooth texture. If you want a richer chocolate flavour add more cocoa powder and add more sweetener to enhance sweetener as needed.
Pour the mixture between 6 small serving glasses, cover with plastic wrap, and chill for a few hours in the fridge or overnight.
Leftovers will keep in the fridge for up to a few days, but tastes the best when fresh!
Option: top with a slight drizzle of peanut butter.

Give it a try and you won’t be sorry! Sometimes I even like to pop in the freezer or make popsicles out of this recipe for a cold summer treat.

Leave a comment below and let me know your thoughts if you try it!

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