Being a new mom myself, I can completely understand how a day can just pass you by before you even realize it.  Over the years I have trained many mothers through their pregnancy and postpartum journeys and I can now completely empathize with them when they said they just don’t have time to workout.  By empathize, I mean I get where they are coming from, but I still don’t think it can be used as an excuse to not take some time out for yourself each day to exercise.  I have found many tips and tricks that have worked for me and I want to share some workout ideas for moms with babies. 

When you have a little one to worry about, it seems all that matters in the day is that they are fed, napped, and happy; however, what about the Momma?? Who is going to look after you?  As much as we love and would do anything for our littles (and our families) it is still important to make sure you are taking care of yourself.  I have found this to be true from the second I became pregnant and now as a mother.  I was always someone who worked very hard running my business and making sure all of my clients are reaching their goals; however, I still always cut time out of each busy day to do something for myself.  I knew I would have to continue this mindset as I journeyed into motherhood.

Movement is Medicine

Prior to being a Mother, if I was ever in a bad mood, felt down, felt stressed, or felt tired I always knew what could fix me – a good old sweat session!  Now being a mother to a now 11 month old (time flies!!!) I am realizing more and more how important it is to take a few hours each week to focus on myself and my personal goals (fitness and business).  If I find myself feeling overwhelmed, stressed, tired or a combination of all of the above I look at my schedule (and babies schedule) for the day and book an appointment with myself.  I book an appointment that I am going to get some exercise in, whether it’s heading down to my gym after hubby get’s home from work, getting in a workout while baby is napping, or taking baby for a walk in the stroller etc.  These dates are not comprisable and I know will always make me feel 100 times better!  One thing I vowed to never let happen was skipping weeks of workouts, veer away from my regular clean eating, and just getting out of my regular healthy balanced lifestyle.  Yes, the first few months were rough as me and hubby were just in survival mode trying to figure out parenthood!  I still managed to get out of the house at least once a day to walk or go to the grocery store to get healthy groceries.  I went with the same mentality I did when I was pregnant “I am building a human, what better time to take care of my body with exercise and eating healthy”.  (check out my fit pregnancy journey blogs here). I might not be carrying him in my belly anymore, but I am still breastfeeding so I figure anything I am putting in my body is going to him.  I want my son to grow up watching me make exercise a priority in life, so that he will fall right into the same pattern.

No One Is Perfect

Yes, you might be reading this and saying “right Michelle, you are just crazy and I could never find time to do all of that”.  Wrong!  Change your mindset right now (unless your baby is less than 3 months old! – then you have a pass! lol).  Change your mindset, change your life!  Making a commitment to move your body for a minimum of 15 minutes per day is not a huge task.  Babies nap, babies go to bed fairly early at night (sometimes), and if you are lucky babies sleep in a little into the morning (sometimes lol); this leaves more than enough time to get in a few exercises at home (and cook healthy meals). 

But Michelle, When I Have 15 Minutes What Should I Do To Make The Workout Worth My While?

Ahhhhh I thought you would never ask!  I am here to save the day and help you with what you can do to make the most of your “free time” and healthy date with yourself.  Read below for my workout ideas for moms with babies:

3 Workout ideas for moms with babies

1. Have baby join in with you!

One thing that I find is fun for both me and Jaxson (although much less effective) is to have him playing alongside me while you I am working out.  The babies think you are playing with them, but you just have to be a little more careful if your baby is mobile to not run them over (or see video below – get run over lol!)


You can also use your baby as a weight (again depending on the age) by holding baby 

2. While baby is napping

Another workout ideas for moms with babies is using Nap time as the perfect time to workout!! If baby is sleeping they are content and you can have some time to yourself.  Yes, we all go through the question of what is the most effective to do while baby is napping: cleaning? cooking? napping? work? or of course exercise!!???  For me, this changes on a daily basis, but if I know I won’t have time to fit a workout in at any other point in the day then a workout during nap time will win for sure!  


3. Take baby for a walk in the stroller or carrier

The last of the workout ideas for moms with babies is getting outside for fresh air.  Are you home with your kid (or kids) during the day and find it hard to sneak in a workout?  I am a firm believer that a little bit of fresh air is good for everyone!  If I couldn’t find the time the other two ways, I take my little man out for a walk in the stroller or strap him in the carrier.  He loves the exercise too and he always sleeps better after some fresh air 🙂  Up until a month ago, we were living in a condo so if it was too cold to go outside I often strapped Jax in the carrier and walked the stairs in our building up and down for about half an hour – talk about a good workout!  The movement often put him right to sleep too!  Double bonus 🙂 



I hope you enjoyed these workout ideas for moms with babies and that this helps you momma’s out there find a way to take some time out for yourselves.  Mom life can be very busy and stressful, so the better you feel the better Mom you can be.  Remember even 15 minutes is better than nothing!  I am constantly posting on my Instagram stories and feed ideas on how I get my workouts in and manage to eat clean through the day.  Go give me follow on Instagram here.

NOTE: These tips can also work for those without babies at home.  If you work from home or are having a hard time motivating yourself to workout at home – try using these tips too!!! 



I am in the process of creating a program offering LIVE HOME WORKOUTS  for all of you to follow along.  I am going to limit this offer to just a few motivated individuals who want to get on a home workout program.  There will be one live online workout each week and then you will be provided with other workouts to do throughout the week.  

Registration will be very limited and it will be on a first come first serve basis!! If you want to find out when registration opens fill in the form below to get on the list!! 


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